Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is the Height of Human Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What is the Height of Human Happiness - Essay Example To do this, I had to ensure I had a strong concept of what both Aristotle and Augustine were saying and identify those ideas that caused me to react in some way, whether because I strongly agreed or strongly disagreed with what was being said. In the end, the words of these philosophers helped me better identify my own thoughts. Aristotle’s Parts of Animals chapter 5 identifies happiness as one of those â€Å"ungenerated, imperishable and eternal† things that are â€Å"excellent beyond compare and divine, but less accessible to knowledge† (656). Since it’s easier for us to understand the material things that are around us, most of us choose to remain focused on this lower level of thought most of the time. However, when contemplating nature, Aristotle says, we can often come across something that will inspire us to think into the upper plain. â€Å"For if some have no graces to charm the sense, yet even these, by disclosing to intellectual perception the artistic spirit that designed them, give immense pleasure to all who can trace links of causation, and are inclined to philosophy (656-657). These thoughts are what will bring us the highest form of happiness because they bring us into a closer comprehension of the creator just like studying the particular strokes and quirks of t he artist will often reveal much about the personality who created the painting. If we can attain the greatest happiness through this understanding or perception of the divine within the natural, then it follows that â€Å"we should venture on the study of every kind of animal without distaste; for each and all will reveal

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